Black Country Toilet Museum
In this dream, I was at the Black Country Museum with my nan, grandad and Goodwin. There were random bag searches being conducted by the security and one guy decided to check my bag while I was on an escalator. I was worried in case I’d left my pen knife in there, but thankfully the guy’s search was not very thorough.
So we carried on in and went into a small shop to try and find the ticket desk. However, every time my Grandad looked in a room for it, he found a toilet. While he was searching for the ticket desk, I had a look around outside but there was nobody about. There were a few shops, including a sweet shop, a women’s clothes shop and a chemist. I ended up in a gift shop where Grandad tried a door at the end of the shop that led to a little circular room with a toilet in.
I had a wander around the shop and the shop assistant started talking to me. We both went downstairs into the store room to look for something and she told me about the bad quality of living back in ‘the old days.’ We talked for a while, but every time I came up with a topic, she kept going off on a tangent about years gone by. Still, we got on well.
After a while I heard Grandad call my name and then I woke up.