Doing the can-can in Clintons

Had a dream last night in which a lot happened, but I can only remember the last bit.

I was staying in a hotel in a dodgy part of Digbeth (it didn’t look anything like Digbeth, but it was close to the Bullring so I knew it was) and I was walking into town. It started raining so I walked quicker and went into the bullring. I was meeting Mike at 12:30 and it was 12:10, so I decided to go to The Entertainer to get a present for my nephew, Max. To get there, I glided, hovering just above the floor. I ended up going into the wrong shop though and glided into Clintons.

I was looking at the cards, trying to find him a 1st birthday card, when Mike arrived. We were both being very silly, making jokes and funny noises. At one point, Mike​ put a card in a woman’s handbag and she started moaning at us so we just did the can-can dance.

Later on, I had smarties for tea.