Accounts of adventures in the real world and inside my own mind

Accounts of adventures in the real world and inside my own mind
The long tables
Don’t remember much of last night’s dream. I did when I first woke up, but I didn’t make a note of it, stupid me. In one part I was wondering around a different city. There was a lot of green fields and I think there was a harbour too. In another part, I was in…
Week 4 – A living flower
This week’s challenge was set and judged by Océane, who asked for a living flower that is capable of having a life like a human. Here were our entries: Suzanne’s “Flora” Ben’s “Scarlet Daisy” Océane’s verdict I love the colour of flora, but I prefer scarlet Daisy. So, the winner is Ben! Congrats.
Week 3 – Animal themed aquatic vehicle
This week’s challenge was set and judged by Mike. After initially suggesting “a submersible aquatic vehicle that can be used as a boat/submarine and is also a living creature (like a whale or a shark etc.) and can carry a town on its back”, we scaled the challenge down to “an animal themed aquatic vehicle”.…
Week 2 – An adorable and strange animal
This week’s challenge was set and judged by Océane. We had to build an ‘adorable and strange animal’. Knowing Océane loves octopuses, we both opted to build an octopus. Here were our entries: Ben’s “Octo-chef” A happy little octopus with excellent culinary skills. She cooks up some delicious dishes for her oceanic pals. Suzanne’s “Rainpus”…
Week 1 – A car you can live in
Our first challenge was set and judged by Mike. “Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to design a vehicle you can live in. Said vehicle must have all the amenities needed to live comfortably, i.e bathroom, kitchen, a bed etc as well as some way to stay entertained. You don’t need to…
Thoughts on… the Thirteenth Doctor being female
I’ve been having debates with many people about the prospect of the next Doctor in Doctor Who being female. Rather than keep repeating myself, I’m going to write my argument here. Yes, it’s plausible It has been established in the show that Time Lords can regenerate into different genders. It was hinted at in the classic era…
Thoughts on… tidy rooms
It’s my birthday tomorrow (woo!) so I’ve got a few friends coming over to my house and we’re going out for a meal. Since two of them have never been to my house before, I’ve made an effort and tidied my room. I don’t really tend to keep my room very tidy. It’s not so…
Photos from Jersey Battle of Flowers 2016
I recently went to the Jersey Battle of Flowers 2016 with my Grandad. It was a amazing and colourful show, with impressive floats and entertaining dancers. As you’d expect, I took a lot of photos, but there’s going to be loads of photos online of the parade, so instead I’m going to share some of…
Tales from college
I have so many anecdotes and stories from college that I often talk about with Mike or Gush, so I’ve decided to make a note of them in this article. Three A stars On the very first day of college, I was quite nervous because I didn’t know anyone and it was a big change.…
Tales from secondary school
I often reminisce with Mike and Goodwin about stories from our secondary school days and I realised that I have so many anecdotes that I’ve never written down anywhere, so I’m going to use this article to keep a note of them. Lower your expectations I always enjoy making people laugh, but back in school…
Tales from primary school
Mike and I often share anecdotes and stories from our primary school days before we knew each other and I realised that I have so many stories and memories that I’ve never written down anywhere, so I’m going to use this article to keep a note of them. No running! No shouting! No fun! My…
Like I’m living a teenage dream
I saw someone had posted one of those online quizzes on Facebook earlier, you know the type that has about a dozen messages and when you put your details in it automatically generates one of them and you think it’s unique to you and post about it on Facebook. Well, the one I saw was what you’d…