
Mom, Mike and I went to see a show at a small theatre. We got there early and Mike realised he’d forgotten his milk in the taxi. I went back to get it for him and the taxi started driving off while I was inside. The driver was Jonathan Crane (from DC comics) and a woman. They were supposedly friends of ours. They were planning to get married and were holding me hostage. There was a big accident on a main road out of town and the car had to stop. I managed to get out of the taxi and run.

I walked into town, planning to just go home. A black guy with a knife stopped me and I could tell he was going to rob me. I’m not sure if I had my phone and wallet at this point or if someone had already taken them. He asked me where I was going and I said I was homeless. He took me to a homeless shelter type place. I kept trying to leave, saying I needed the toilet, but he insisted ok staying with me. He gestured to a toilet in the reception area, but it was open so everyone could see you. I said I’d go later.

We went back outside and I did a karate lock hold him, quickly taking him down and punching him to render him unconscious. Then I legged it’s.

I arrived home and my mom was there with a girl called El. We’d just started going out. Mom was going on about feeding three crows outside (which she does in real life) and other things. I think it was Christmas, because El and I exchanged a few small gifts. My last one for her was a box of two crackers. The design was very minimal, with bold yellow, orange and white. We opened a cracker each and it had a little card inside with something that we could use in our relationship. Mine was a bottle of beer and a TV remote, which I said was pretty stereotypical for a man. Hers was an activity where we had to role play someone with a fear, which sounded fun. It gave an example that was something like endansia, which was supposedly someone who doesn’t like endings, which it said would be useful at the end of the game.

Later, I went out at a big party that was going on. It was like a big cafe with a big grassy area outside with walkways and water features. It was a really nice area. I looked around and saw El sitting inside, so I said hello and we had a chat. Then mom called me over to walk our dog, Zeta, outside, who was pulling to have a walk around. So I gave her a walk. When I came back in, my mom said to say hello to Chris’s son (Chris is my mom’s cousin’s husband). He looked similar but younger and slimmer, with darker hair and a goatee beard. I went to say hello, but he walked straight past me. He realised and turned around, shaking my hand and saying hello before walking off.

I went outside and looked around. Mom asked what I was looking for, and I said I was looking for El. I thought I saw her, but it was someone similar looking in the same floral top. In the end I realised she must’ve gone home and gave up.

I met up with Mike and we got the bus home. I had a bag of shopping with me and some Christmas cards dropped out. A man pointed them out and picked them up for us. He said how much he liked them, because they had cats and dogs. He’d been looking for some similar for ages but hadn’t found any. Mike started to chat with him while I tried to recolour an illustration of Reverse Flash (again from DC) on a tablet. Mike randomly did a Scooby Doo, which the guy seemed impressed with. He asked if Mike liked doing impressions and Mike said he did a few, including Macy Gray, which he did and again the guy liked. The guy then got off the bus. Mike and I stayed on the bus.

All through the dream, I was scared of the guy from earlier coming after me. I kept thinking I needed to hide or move house to avoid him. But then I’d remind myself that it was just a dream.