A Hard Day’s Night
Had a rather interesting dream. I can’t remember all of it so I’ll say what I can.
At one point I got off a train to meet a man and a woman somewhere. They were on the other platform. So as I walked to the stairs to the exit, I showed them a leaflet I had which had the number 04381 printed on it. This was a code – which had been established in a previous dream apparently – to let them know I was an agent like them.
On my way up the stairs a rather nice girl in front of me stopped to do something and I had to wait for a bit. Afterwards I went to move and a Chinese guy behind me (only young, about my age) stopped me. And he got me into a martial arts lock and then told me he was to train me. Meanwhile a girl from school, Ava, came over to watch.
Next we were in a dojo (hall) and he was teaching me how to get out of a lock. And every time I went to do it Ava would start talking, so in the end I shouted really really loudly “GO AWAY PLEASE!” which made me laugh cos I’d shouted but still been polite.
So she went away and the guy showed me how to get out of the lock. So then he asked me to grab him and put the lock on. So I went to grab him and he had a go at me cos it was wrong. And he said “No, do it like the guy in A Hard Day’s Night does.” and I said “But they don’t do that in A Hard Day’s Night, he just stands and sings.” and I stood how John Lennon did and mimed strumming a guitar. And at that point Ava was back and was now laughing at my ‘joke’. So I carried on. I did silly dances (from the film) and movements and air drumming – all of which got laughs – until he told me there was a martial arts film called A Hard Day’s Night.
So I put the lock on and he carried on teaching me.
I was in a restaurant with some friends (including Mike) and Lee was there, and he was having a go at me for still not having a girlfriend. And I argued that I can’t talk to girls. And he said “Just try it. Try talking to her.” and pointed out a rather nice young waitress. As he pushed me towards her I kept pushing back until I was right by her and I tripped and stumbled up to her. And she turned around and saw me and I stood silently for a bit. Then Lee said “Say something dickhead!” and the girl looked at him. So I turned to him and said “That’s no way to talk to a girl!” to which she smiled so I felt confident enough to say hello. Which I did. And she invited me out for a drink after work, which I said yes to but never made because of the bit with the train and the chinese guy, which happened after this bit.