Late for karate
Had a dream last night that I turned up to karate late. It wasn’t our usual dojo, it was much smaller and dimly lit. The instructor, Roger, was in the middle of teaching a class and pointed out that I was late, making a couple of jokes about it. As I was taking off my jumper, one of the black belts, a man called Dave, started making jokes about my jumper, the last one being “Is it your girlfriend’s jumper?” which annoyed me the most because he knew I didn’t have a girlfriend. I went up to him and told him sternly to shut up. He just laughed and kept making comments, so I went to hit him. He blocked attacks from both my arms, but I managed to grab his glasses. I took them off his face and crushed the lenses between my fingers, before throwing them to the floor and walking off.
After class, as I was leaving, Dave came up to me and held his hand out to shake mine. I ignored it and he apologised. I said, “It’s okay, I don’t want us to fall out.” I paused and thought for a moment and then said, “Actually, no, I do want us to fall out. You know I don’t have a girlfriend, os you shouldn’t have made those remarks.”
Then I walked out of the dojo and woke up.