
In this dream, Mike and I were going to a cinema to watch a new episode of Doctor Who that was premiering there. I arrived and got a text from Mike to tell me he was running late, so I told him that I was going to carry on in and to text me when he arrived so I could come out and meet him. I went into screen 4 and showed my ticket to the man at the door. He told me my seats were 16 and 17 and that I could sit in either row H or N. I opted for row H as it was nearer.

After a few trailers – none of which I remember – I got the text from Mike and went out to meet him. At this point, I seem to forget about Doctor Who as I never go back in to watch it, which would never happen in real life!

On our way into the foyer, we passed two men at a vending machine. It was an odd machine, as you had to put your age in to get a drink. The first man (the taller of the two) put in 19 and the vending machine whipped out a cable and started hitting him. He apologised and put 21 and the machine let him get a drink. He opted for a Skittles flavoured energy drink. His friend put in the number 29 and got the same drink.

Mike and I couldn’t be bothered to wait, so we went off to a small supermarket that was located in the foyer. Mike bought a can of Lemonide – a fictional version of a lime-flavoured lemonade – and some chocolates. On our way back, I decided I wanted to try the Skittles drink. There was a maintenance man fixing one of the machines, so as I walked past I stole the drink while he wasn’t looking. One of the guards noticed, so we had to run. The guards gave chase and we had to run into the lift. We chose to go to floor 4, the top floor. The doors opened into the manager’s office. She noticed the lift, so we had to try and hide. Since the doors were open, there was only the thin bit of wall by the door, so we had to squeeze in tight. Needless to say she saw us, so we tried to shut the door. Every time we pressed the button though, the door closed and opened again. Eventually, after much bashing from Mike’s fist, the door shut and we escaped.