Misbehaviour Tubes

It’s been a while since I’ve had a dream that I’ve remembered the next day. Last night I had a dream with a few parts to it.

For the first part, we – me, my mother, brother, nan and grandad – were on the bus going to the Black Country Museum. It wasn’t actually the Black Country Museum, it just looked similar so we called it that. When we got to our stop, we almost missed it. Nan pressed the stop button and the bus screeched to an emergency halt. Nan apologised and the female bus driver apologised too. I don’t know why she apologised cos we were in the wrong for pressing it at the last possible minute.

We got off the bus and went into the museum. First we went to find food and then I suggested we get some photos of each other. I wanted to take a photo of mother next to a big old fashioned building (that was, for some reason, inside the museum), but every time I asked her to pose, she kept sitting at one of the tables next to someone trying to eat. When I’d take the photo, the person next to her would look uncomfortable and try to move out of shot. Eventually I got a photo of her next to the building.

After the museum, we went back to nan and grandad’s house, where it was nan’s birthday. Lee had bought her 20 pots of face cream. This wasn’t an insult to her though. It turned out Lee had asked her what she wanted and she’d said ‘face cream’, but it was fairly cheap so he bought her loads of it. Apparently he did this with everyone’s presents and we all thought it was funny.

I left the house because I had to attend a meeting at the Doctor Who Appreciation Society – which in real life is in fact the longest running Doctor Who club that I’m sadly not a member of. Mother was there as well and kept interrupting me while I was trying to type up notes from the meeting. I was saving them in a Google Docs document and she couldn’t understand how Google Docs worked. “Do you have to print it off at home or something?” she asked, “How does it save it and send it to everyone?”

While we were there, I sat next to a kid called Christopher – who was a kid I knew in primary school – who was looking on a website called Misbehaviour Tubes. I have since searched that in Google and the majority of the results that came up were porn sites, though I swear to you that I have never ever searched that. The website in the dream was a video site with clips of people doing silly things and pulling pranks on each other. It also had quotes from famous philosophers on there (because why not) and Christopher read one out: “Everybody has greatness inside of themselves but what they really need is a little shop.”

For the rest of the meeting, we talked about James Bond films and did a little quiz to see who had the best knowledge of them. I did better than I expected. Then I woke up.