Oh what a dream
At the start of last night’s dream, I was at home watching You’ve Been Framed (that’s how I know it’s a dream, I hate that show). During one of the clips, I recognised the park, so I used my mental abilities to freeze the frame and pan around so I could see the rest of the park. It was the park by my old primary school. I decided to take my dog, Zeta, for a walk there. When we got to the spot where the guy was doing the prank, he was still there in freeze frame, so I let him go. I then got a call from mother asking me to pick up some feathers, so I scoured the ground for some and found a couple.
When I got home, there was a girl there. She was apparently staying with us for a while and I had to look after her, so I suggested we play a game. We looked through the Wii games but couldn’t find one we liked, so we tried the PlayStation. We opted for a football game over a wrestling game. After a while of playing, we went for a walk. At one point she stopped to look at a sign outside a church, so I wandered around for a bit. When I came back though, she had gone. I headed back home and saw her on the way, so I caught up to her and we walked back home together.
Only we weren’t going home, we were going to a party. The party was at my colleague, Laura’s house. It was a really nice house, big with wooden beams, like an estate house turned into a cottage. Mother was there too. I found Laura and said hello. I also told her about the recent news of Doctor Who being postponed until 2017 and a new showrunner taking over [real news I’d read just before I went to sleep]. She then introduced me to her mother, who was a nice woman. She said “I like your waistcoat. Is it Louis V?” which I understood to mean Louis Vuitton. I said that it wasn’t and she said that she’d have dressed up more if she knew I was coming.
I went to sit down with Mother on a separate table where I found Goodwin and a girl also sitting. Goodwin and I talked for a while and I made a few jokes which made the girl laugh. After a while Laura joined us.
Then we came to the final part of the party (and the dream) when Laura’s nan – the smaller one in the cardigan – got on the piano and started playing Oh What A Night by the Four Seasons. I was obviously really excited by this. Everyone was singing and I sung especially loud. After the nan had played a few songs, they asked if I would play something. I turned to mother to ask what to play and she said “What can you remember?” The only song I could think of was Cry For Me from Jersey Boys, but when I got up and started playing it, the song coming out was in fact Heart And Soul. Everyone enjoyed it and after a while Mother and I quietly left without saying goodbye to anyone. I felt bad for not saying goodbye to anyone after, so I text Laura to say thank you for inviting me and that her family were all very cool.
I sometimes wonder where my brain gets its ideas for my dreams, but this one I know full well. In last conversation with Laura at work today, the last thing she said was ‘oh what a day’, so clearly my brain took that as a Four Seasons reference and made it the theme of the dream.