On holiday with the Masons

In this dream, I was on holiday with mom, Mike and his mom, Adele. We’d decided to go somewhere that didn’t have their own empire. We narrowed it down to a few and mom picked Bolivia.

I can’t remember much of what we did there. The first day we did do stuff. I think we went to the beach, went to some shops and maybe went on a boat.

We went out and went to the hospital as my shoulder and arm was still really hurting (as it is in real life). It was very busy and we had a long wait. While we were waiting, two middle aged Irish women showed a video on a big screen of them Irish dancing outside the hospital. It was quite impressive given their age and that one of them was quite a big lass. Some of the waiting people clapped, including me.

I realised we were going to be there for quite a while and Mike and his brother Jim (who was now there) we’re both standing and didn’t have a seat. I suggested to mom that they go back to the hotel and wait there. She said that sounded good, so I suggested it to Adele but she said quite sternly “They’re adults, they can hhhh-ankle on.” And then carried on talking to the man next to her. This apparently meant they should stay there and wait with us.

We went back to the hotel and I had to top and tail with mom in a double bed. The next morning I woke up and mom was staring at me, waiting for me to wake up. I got up and had a look out of the window and said “Interesting, this place looks just like outside our house, with the four sets of houses on the corners [of the crossroads].”

When I looked closer, I saw it was put outside. I ran to the back room and saw the garden was our garden too. I was back home. I mentioned it to mom, but she didn’t understand, so I asked her “What did we do in Bolivia? On the second day, what did we do?”

She couldn’t remember anything and slowly realised that we’d missed the day. I realised what had happened. I was still asleep. If I focussed, I could tell it was a dream. I pinched myself and for a brief second the room went dark and I was back in bed asleep with one of my eyes ever so slightly open. Then I was back in the morning, so I decided to just carry on with it.

We watched out of the window where there was stuff going on outside. I noticed a guy in a “Fire and water safety” shirt coming to our door.

I quickly got dressed and saw Mike right outside the window watching us. he had some stickers and random things stuck to his shirt with sellotape. I picked out a shirt and showed him through the window. The shirt said “Don’t but not do not” with the last two words highlighted. Mike pretended to get angry about that.

In the next bit of the dream, I was on my laptop, sat with Mike, and I’d found a website similar to Google Earth but where you could connect to the cameras and people’s computers around the world. I scrolled through and watched some to see what they were up to.

One guy was playing a game where he was a pirate on a boat and there was a row of plates. He was wandering back and forth along the row and Mike said he needed to “get the Francs.” I told the guy through the microphone and his character started collecting coins. Some he knocked off a small pile behind some of the plates onto the plate, some he did other stuff. As he collected the coins, his boat started to move along, until finally he got the treasure and sailed off.

I continued scrolling through the map and found Buckingham Palace. I was able to essentially hack into the CCTV cameras inside the house. I saw Will and Kate playing with their kids, then taking them off to bed. I then moved around the cameras looking for other stuff taking place. I got into a room where people were gathered on pews, a bit like a small church. Some of them were celebrities, although none that I recognised. Some of them spotted the camera zooming in and out and looked at it funny. I realised then that I could get caught and probably arrested for spying on royalty, so I closed the laptop down.

There was also another bit in the dream, not sure where it came, where I was at my brother’s house. It was very different from his real life house. I was in the kitchen and Max was sitting on the edge of a counter. I asked him to hop down, but he jumped off and banged his mouth on a counter opposite. He was okay and didn’t cry or anything. Mom came in and I explained I’d asked him to jump down and he’d jumped across. We then went up to the kids’ playroom. There wasn’t much in it, but at either end was a small set of stairs, both of which curved around and led up to the same room upstairs. The upper room was massive and had lots of toys. They showed me a few, but I can’t remember what they were now.