The paper pencil case

Walking zeta late at night At primary school, former pupils were called in to help. I got a taxi and got there half hour early, so I walked back home to get my headphones and came back. It was rainy, so there was hardly anyone outside. I went in and was directed to sit in…

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Mom, Mike and I went to see a show at a small theatre. We got there early and Mike realised he’d forgotten his milk in the taxi. I went back to get it for him and the taxi started driving off while I was inside. The driver was Jonathan Crane (from DC comics) and a…

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Celebratory cake

Steve Coogan. Friends on the radio talking about him. He has a celebratory cake that he takes a slice and then puts the rest in tin foil or the fridge for alter. He also gets a bit box of chocolates and takes all the white chocolate ones out. They came round and we’re laughing about…

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The neighbour’s window

I was in my back garden and the neighbour came around. He told me and my brother, Lee, that he’d locked himself out and asked if we could help him climb in through the window. I said yes, because it sounded like a fairly easy task, but Lee pointed out he meant a window on…

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Late for work

Had a dream that I woke up and it was almost 2pm. I was supposed to be at work hours ago, so I messaged my boss to tell him I hadn’t realised it was Monday and, since it wasn’t really worth me coming in now, I’d finish working from home and come in tomorrow. Shortly…

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Margot’s visit

After a couple of nights of violent, murderous dreams, I actually had quite a nice dream last night. It started I was in Sutton shopping. In one shop I looked at some figures and almost bought a Harry Potter trivia game, but decided not to in the end. Later I was at home with Mike…

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Zeta’s leg

I was in a hotel with my colleagues working. We finished at 11pm. I was glad because I thought it was midnight but realised it was only 11pm. They said they were going off to a bar, so I said I’d go downstairs to my hotel room. I’d been moved to another room, so I…

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Milhouse’s bubble drinks

I went to a product show at the NEC Milhouse from the Simpsons had a stall selling drinks You chose the bubbles flavour and then could have stuff added One addition was a chocolate pizza, so I said that He then tried to make one from scratch but couldn’t so I said to leave it…

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Simpsons graffiti

Nan and grandad announced they were getting a divorce and moving into care homes. The family was chatting about it and it was quite sad really. Later, I was in a car park with a bunch of kids. We moved a bunch of trollies so we could do graffiti on the pavement and someone started…

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Just over £1

Lee took me and his girlfriend Sam to KFC There was an offer on and burger and chips was only “just over £1” When we came out the car park had flooded and Sam’s car was buried People were trying to get rid of the water Lee and Sam went to get help I walked…

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