The invisible trousers
I was watching a talent show on TV and the act was a guy who bulged his eyes out in time to music. Mom was watching too but she found it creepy.
The man had appeared on the show the year before too, and it showed a clip of him performing. As he did his eye trick, he also danced with a woman.
It cut to the judges who said the choreography was actually pretty good and the woman was a good dancer.
The dream then cut to the two performers rehearsing the performance and coming up with the choreography together months before. I was seeing things from the woman’s point of view. I danced around, adding in silly moves and twirls. It was to the tune of Pure Imagination, although the song was different in the actual performance.
There were also a few other people practicing their acts, including one guy who held onto a horizontal bar and locked his body out so he was planking horizontally in the air.
A bald man came in and said “Can I try that? I can do double, see?”
He pointed down and we were amazed to see his legs were completely invisible. He had shoes, which looked to be attached, but no legs. He then rolled up his trousers and revealed he had prosthetic legs and trousers made of a material that made them appear invisible.
I was just about to ask if he’d had the trousers specially made or if he’d found them somewhere, but my dog barked in real life and woke me up.