The padded cells

Had a dream in which I won two tickets to go to Cadbury World. I went with Mother late at night to collect them. When we arrived, we were surprised to find that the place had been robbed. A guy had been arrested and we were taken along with him to the prison.

The prison was an odd place. There was a line of cells, with a narrow pathway, padded like a children’s play area. Then there was a big ditch, again padded, and on the other side a normal concrete area. The prisoners – there were now loads of us – were walking along the pathway and being taken into their cells.

I noticed a guy lifting up his shirt to fiddle with a bomb that was attached to his chest. I was scared, but I managed to slip away and out of the prison. Outside there were two guards sat on a bench. I told them about the bomber, but they were unsure whether I was telling the truth and whether they should do anything.

Inside, the man with the bomb saw my mother and noticed that I wasn’t with her. He brought her outside and I hid behind the bench. The bomber walked around and saw an Asian boy also sat on the bench. He didn’t seem to remember me, only that mother was with a child, so he assumed the Asian kid was mother’s companion. I hoped mother would lie and say it was so that I could escape, but she didn’t. She saw me and told the bomber where I was hiding.

The bomber dragged me out and and I had to go back into the prison with the others.