A Young Zooey Deschanel
It started we were in school. That’s we as in Mike and I, not we the whole of the human race. But anyway, we were back in school and doing… school things. At one point we were in the dining room and we had to use coupons to get our food and I had milk and cookies. And then Mike said “Just got to go and solve a mystery.” and he came back shortly after. And I said “That was quick.” and he said “It was the neighbour’s son.” and after a while of thinking about it I said “You just went to the toilet didn’t you?” and Mike said “How dare you!” and threw some mashed potato at my face.
Then I was in a shop with Mother and Lee and I found a big pile of hats for sale, so I tried a few on. And one, which I really want to invent now, was a cross between a beanie hat and a deerstalker. It was the best hat ever. Even Lee liked it. I also tried on a top hat, a woman’s hat and a bowler hat.
Then I was back in school and Mike and I went to an assembly where something happened. I think one of the teachers was doing a concert or something. And then we were told the school was being demolished so we had to go to School.2 right away.
So we left, and this was when the most wonderfulest part happened. If that’s even a word. Cos as I was walking out someone grabbed the neck part of my coat. I turned around and it was Zooey Deschanel (but younger, like my age) and she asked if we could walk together and I said we could. So we walked off and she was still holding my coat. We were talking and generally had a nice time. I made a joke which I thought wasn’t very funny at the time but she laughed. Then we got to a junction and she said to go left. I thought it was right but she said left. So we went left and then I realised we were lost. So we turned back and we walked back and then on to School.2.
And we got to School.2 and you were there holding a bunch of fireworks. I looked at the camera and said “Here we go again.”
And then I woke up. Which was really weird cos usually my dreams end abruptly, but this one had a punch line. It was 8am when I woken up, so I got to go back to bed for an hour.