Appelina’s Cost Cutting Device
Appelina, like most women, was an avid shopper. She bought everything from clothes to jam. But being such a shopping fanatic meant that very early on in her life she incurred a heavy debt. One which her husband at the time could not stand and he subsequently left her.
Heart broken and with a craving for lentils, Appelina went to the store to buy some. When she arrived though, she realised she had forgotten her purse. So instead of walking out of the shop with nothing – a fate she had not yet dealt with – she decided to open the pack and pour a few into one of her pockets. She hurriedly left the store and returned home.
When she got home and emptied her pockets though, she was astonished to find that there were no lentils, but there were a handful of very expensive looking diamonds.
To this day she still doesn’t know how she came to obtain the diamonds and quite honestly neither do I. But she was able to sell them and clear some of her debt and get help with her shopping addiction… Lucky sod.