Ben Meets Jenna Coleman
Had a nice dream last night. It was in 2 parts as I remember.
Part 1
The first was me at this web design course, but it turned out he was starting from the very beginning with showing us how technology worked. So we broke into someone’s house and he showed us how light switches worked. And he said he’d meet us there, so I ran and got there first but nobody was there, so I went back out and did a bit of crime fighting and when I came back there was a few of them there and one of them said to me “Get a bit lost did you?” And I just said “Something like that.”
Part 2
The second bit was Mike and I were at the theatre seeing a Doctor Who play, and we were sitting just off stage left (which is right to the audience). And during one scene, Matt Smith (The Doctor) was doing a soliloquy, so Jenna Coleman (Clara) came off stage and sat right next to me. And I was really happy. And she said ‘Hello’ so I said ‘hello’. And we got talking (that’s how I knew it was a dream) and I told her my last name was Coleman and she thought that was cool. And then she said ‘See, that could be you out there soon. One day you could be in Doctor Who.’ And I asked ‘Really?’ And she said ‘Yeah, why not.” And then she went and carried on with the play.
So that was really nice. Except I noticed she had hair on her top lip. A tiny little moustache. I didn’t say anything obviously. But she was nice and it was a nice dream.