
Last night’s dream was a bit gory. It started with a guy who was a superhero, but he was a really dark, gritty vigilante type. He captured a man and was interrogating him over something. The man wouldn’t speak, so the superhero whipped him and tortured him. He still didn’t speak, so eventually the superhero drove a baseball bat through his skull, forcing his brain out the back of his head. The man was somehow still alive and laughed, saying he’d never tell the superhero anything. So the superhero chopped off his brain and he died.

Elsewhere, I was a superhero called Blackbird. I was with two other superheroes running around the city and we saw Black Widow (the Marvel superhero) so we got her to join our group.

We all went on a course (or some kind of event) where an Indian guy gave us a quiz about Christmas TV. Most of it was about the Doctor Who Christmas specials, so I got those questions right. The Indian guy left the room and came back in wearing a purple robe, so I took a load of photos of him. He came over and noticed me scrolling through the photos on my phone after. I explained it was to put on The Gallifrey Times website and asked if it was okay, but he said no. Instead he gave us all a questionnaire about his quiz session.

Later in the dream, I was in work and Roger, Paul and some other guys from karate were there. Roger was a bit drunk. He turned to me and said, “Ben, Paul just coughed.”

I shouted “Arsenal!” in reference to a Morecambe and Wise sketch. Roger wanted to get everyone to shout it, so he said the leading line again, but nobody coughed. Everyone still shouted “Arsenal!” though.