Living with kids
The dream started with a bit of a prequel flashback sequence. I was at my friend’s house and she’d had another baby. It was one by now, but the doctors had said that he had very slow development and couldn’t do very much, which was quite sad. But the other kids were still playing with him like normal, which was nice.
Later, I was in a shop and saw my friend with her three kids, who were around 4-6 years old. I wanted to get them something, but didn’t know what. I saw some union flags and was going to get them, but thought they might already have some because of the jubilee. The one boy said they didn’t, though, so I got them those.
We went back to their house and they were having a party. While the party was going on, I got speaking to a lawyer who was planning to sue my friend or do something negative. I talked her around and she left with the other guests.
I said “Joint ownership of the house huh,” and smiled. I think I’d managed to find a loophole where if I owned half the house, the lawyer couldn’t do what she wanted to my friend. I was very excited and told the three kids “I live here now!”
They were excited too as we were good friends. I said “Now I just need to find a room.”
One of the kids said I could share with him and I replied “No, I couldn’t do that to you.” And they said “Why not, I’m not going to need it soon.”
In the dream I knew this kid was terminally ill and it was a really sad moment. I turned a bit more serious and sat down with him. I told him not to think like that and we’d have loads of fun sharing a room together.