Optimal Artyness
Had a dream last night where I was in school in an art class. The teacher, a middle aged hippy woman, came in and announced she was redesigning the classroom to ‘optimise artyness’. She stuck a drawing on the wall of what it would now look like.
In the bottom left, there was a row of long tables. In the top left was a kitchen and top right were chairs and tables. The rest was garden area, with a stream running through the middle. I pointed out that there wasn’t enough tables for us all to work before, so we wouldn’t all be able to work on the few tables she’d left in the new room. They ignored me.
She set us a task to make a creative display around bees and left. I went home and asked mother if she had any thick cardboard. She found a Shredded Wheat box, but it was too flimsy. After looking around the kitchen for alternatives, I decided I would use the box and paper mâché it to make it sturdier.
After this conversation, I went into an attic where there were some people standing around a man who was sat at a table giving a talk. He showed us a ‘living animated character’ that he had built, which was basically a stop motion figure that he had made come to life. He showed us some others (including a Harley Quinn one) and told us he wanted to animate something from every country in the world. I wished him luck and left.
Next, I was on holiday with a friend. It wasn’t someone I know in real life, but I knew him well in the dream. We were in a sunny country (possibly Spain) meeting a record label to show them a song we’d written and my friend had recorded. When we found them, it was just a bunch of guys in vests, shorts and sandals sitting on a bench. They had a weird tape recorder where instead of tape you recorded on copper wire. We gave him a roll of copper wire to play, but it just made sex noises. We realised it was the wrong one and gave him another roll. This was the right one. The song was a an upbeat song with an acoustic guitar. To further sell it to them, my friend and I danced our fingers around the table. They liked the song and the dancing fingers.
The label guys suggested we go for a walk, so we did. I got talking to one guy who also happened to live on the same road as me. He asked why it was so busy and I told him it was a main road.
We went into an art shop, which reminded me of the bee project. The next bit was weird, because I remembered reading about the shop, but when I woke up I couldn’t work out if I had actually read about it in real life or not.
The show sold ‘decorated doors’ and the doors weren’t just any doors. They were mini TARDIS doors. The blue doors had floral displays at the top of them, like a Christmas decoration. I recognised them and pointed them out to a girl called Maria (someone I know in real life who’s also a Doctor Who fan).
The shop was run by a nice old lady who was happy to see my excitement. She also showed me a display cabinet that had porcelain figurines in. I noticed some penguin ones and because I know Mike loves penguins I decided to get him one. I saw they were reduced to £3 which I was glad of because I realised I’d forgotten my wallet and I only had £3 on me. I saw a nice one of a big penguin with his arm around a little penguin and I thought it represented us well. I asked if I could have that one and she said “Sure, they’re all smash and grab.”
I picked the figure up carefully and paid for it. I turned to see Goodwin rolling around on an office swivel chair. I asked him for the keys to our hotel room because I wanted to go get my wallet in case I needed money later. He threw me the keys and I left the shop.
Then I woke up.