Sherlock Holmes and the Gammon Soup
The dream started as I was leaving work. I called a taxi, but when I went outside to look for it a while later I couldn’t see it. There was a live event going on and the place was very busy. I went to the reception to enquire where the taxi was. As I entered, the receptionist broke the vase that was on the counter. I helped her clean it up and then she told me the taxi was on the other side of the building.
I found the taxi and we went to the NEC to visit Gardener’s World Live. I met up with my mother there, but neither of us had any tickets. However, it was the end of the show and there was nobody checking tickets so we just wandered in. As we made our way in, we met Goodwin and we watched his nephew, Robert, selling stuff on his own stall.
After we had a walk around, my brother, Lee, picked me up and took me back to his. We had a swim in a swimming pool in his garden. I proved to be the quicker swimmer. We got out and he offered me some soup. he wanted me to have carrot and coriander, but I opted for gammon soup instead – it was pretty much just water with chunks of gammon in it.
Later, I was in a car with two guys from karate, Paul and Roger. They were recording each other singing jingles so they could use them as ringtones on their mobile phones.
They dropped me off at an office where I apparently worked for Sherlock Holmes. I was typing up some notes when he asked for my help to come up with a name for a recent case. I suggested The Something Mystery, with the intention of replacing the “something” with an appropriate word, but a woman called Sarah Jane said ‘The Something Mystery, I like it.’ so they used that.
The case was about a Spanish woman who had a blue gem. Her butler – a shifty looking bloke – said it was in a “lifestyle safe” but the location was secret. Sherlock found out that it had been stolen by The Master (from Doctor Who) and the butler was a German spy. We needed to find the location of the lifestyle box, so I called upon my 5″ Willy Wonka figure and a load of Oompa Loompa figures to take the woman down and interrogate her. She didn’t know the location, but it was tattooed on the heel of her foot. Willy Wonka said ‘If you ever need me again, just shout,’ and left.
We found the location, but the box wasn’t there. The guard had been hypnotised by The Master who had stolen it. It then cut back to me typing up notes of the case while Sherlock made up an ending because he couldn’t remember what actually happened.