The Sad Dream About Lee
I don’t like sad dreams. Dreams are meant to be happy times when you get to do things you could never do in real life, see people you miss and go on adventures. Last night I had a nightmare. I have written every dream I’ve had down on this blog for a long time now, so it’s only right that I include the sad ones. The thing is – as you may have gathered from reading some of my dreams – they are quite detailed and vivid, so it does feel very real and the emotions are quite strong. Anyway, on with the dream.
The dream was based at my house. A lot happened, but it’s the ending I remember. A woman had come to visit us and she asked me to get her a drink of Avenge (pronounced av-in-yon). I went and got her one from the cupboard. When I came back she was already drinking one, but I gave her the one I’d got anyway. She held it and said that it was warm. It was then my brother, Lee, started having a go at me. “What are you doing? You can’t serve Avenge warm, it’s meant to be cold you idiot.”
My brother’s not that mean in real life, but he does moan a bit sometimes. I stormed off went to sit on the bench. I was upset. Lee came over and sat next to me. I told him that because we don’t see him very often – he lives in his own house – I remember him how I last saw him. So now he’s moaned at me – which he’d been doing all though the dream – that would be how I’d remember him for a while. I was upset. Lee was busy watching Nan and Grandad play football with a big inflatable ball. I doubt he was listening to me and after a bit he got up to go play football with them. I sat and sulked, angry at him for ignoring me.
While Lee was playing, he stepped back and fell over, hitting his head on the concrete paving slab. When mother shouted that he was bleeding, I ran over. It was a small cut, about the size of a 10p piece. But the blood wasn’t blood. It was a yellowish goo.
Mother ran off to call a taxi/ambulance. I stayed with Lee. I was crying. I apologised for having a go at him for moaning. I was upset. I held his head in my arms and said nice things.
Lee was taken to the hospital. The doctor put a plaster on the cut and told us he’d fallen in a bit of sauce. He had been a bit concussed from the fall but was otherwise fine, so he sent us all home and told us to stop wasting his time.
I guess it was a bit like a film or an episode of a sitcom. There were funny bits, but the sad bit pointed out an important message. I’ve since text my brother to check he’s okay and remind him I love him and he replied with the same sentiment. It’s important to say it sometimes. You never know what can happen, so it’s always best to get along and be happy.