Lenka’s Supermarket Sweep

In college We went out to get lunch and it started raining I got pizza with extra garlic sauce, and garlic bread The others got pizza too Back in class I’d bought a few little statues in One was a talking Groot, which the two guys behind really liked and played with on their desk…

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Laura’s experiements

Goodwin and I got a taxi back to school It stopped a bit away and we had 7 minutes to get there so we had to run I went the wrong way at first When we got there, I was hungry The canteen was putting out lunch food (potatoes, veg and Yorkshire puddings) They had…

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Carrots for sale

Goodwin and I were in a bar heading to school We bumped into Matthew and Liam Matthew didn’t look to good He mentioned he’d forgotten his make up and forgotten to do his hair I joked “You May have forgotten your make up, but so has Goodwin. Next time you’re sad, think of him in…

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Pussycat Dolls live at Penitentiary Hall

Watching a gif of a Pussycat Dolls concert at Penitentiary Hall They were fingering themselves on stage while singing One later said that sex was about truth and she was just being honest My old friend Josh and I went to the leisure centre He needed a wee but we couldn’t get into the gym…

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The death gamble

Ed Gamble was in a new show (or might have been real life) He’d recently lost someone he’d loved And also lost his dog His mom had bought him a new dog “I know you don’t like dead dogs, so I got you a living one” Last shot was of him on a rocky edge…

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Hitler FM

I was building Lego with Max Someone said I should do it as a job I quit and started building lots of Lego Someone saw me and I got a call from the BBC saying Lego wanted to speak to me Later I was in Paris Hitler was building a radio station at the bottom…

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Death becomes me

Trapped in a lift with a guy In a superhero movie The villain comes flying over He takes us to Death Death is just a skeleton He steals my skin and becomes me Somehow we stopped him and I got my body back Later playing random sized super hero figures with Lee and Max Daniel…

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At work We had a big new office Matt struggled to find a video I’d done on the one drive I tried to search his computer for ‘Jetpack’ what we were now calling OneDrive While he wasn’t looking I also looked up some porn, forgetting Rosie from college was sat next to us watching She…

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The purple infinity stone

Mike had been given the power of people doing what he wanted As he walked down the road, people would move out his way I could get away with not doing stuff cos I was his best friend Mike and I visited Laura and Shannon Lots of her family was there Mike rode in on…

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Peter Griffin in the toilets

Peter griffin in the toilets He was going undercover as a woman His lenses fell out of his glasses A woman picked them up and gave him them Two women were in the toilets making fun of him One said he wore too much make up He made some quip back The woman looked in…

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